woensdag 3 november 2010

Things i love in October

Oke, I'm a little late with this blog.I've been so busy with school the last 2 weeks. Haven't been to school in years and finally decided that I really wanted to have a more creative job :)

The first thing that happens here in October is the fair. It's so big and it's for 3 days. I went to the fair with my boyfriend and we had a really good time! We even won this Hello Kitty. Isn't it cute?! I love Hello Kitty !!

I found this on http://www.elle.nl/. You can change your hair and makeup and it's really handy for when you're not shure of dying your hair or changing your makeup! I'm thinking of making my hair blond again! heehee! (Don't get scared of the before- picture,I had almost no makeup on!)

And look how these trees changed in the most beautifull color..

Here's another picture.

This is the view we have from our home when the evening starts..I love these colors!

I'll try to put more pictures on this blog next time!Thanks for reading :)


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